Business Valuation
Do you know everything about your business, except what it’s worth?


Business valuations are frequently needed for merger and acquisition planning, estates, divorces, SBA financing, or reverse ROBS transactions. However, having your business valued offers much more than just getting a number. An in-depth business valuation also offers:

  • the key factors that drive the value of your business, and valuations in your industry,

  • issues that may be holding back your business value and opportunities to improve,

  • economic trends in your industry and industry valuation trends,

  • selling prices of similar companies,

  • your actual return on investment in your company,

  • what other investors would require as a return on investment in your company,

  • an analysis of your company’s financial ratios and performance compared to its industry in the areas of: profitability, liquidity, asset management, and debt.

If you choose to have a business valuation, be sure to use a credentialed expert (ABV, CVA, or ASA) with practical experience in mergers and acquisition consulting. Mergers and acquisition consulting is the ‘boots on the ground’ experience that keeps valuation experts from becoming lost in endless amounts of valuation theory.

Occasionally, an in-depth valuation isn’t warranted due to circumstances such as time constraints or expense considerations. We also offer a less in-depth calculation of value report at considerably less cost. Click here for more information about a Calculation of Value.

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